Posts from December 2019
Hi I’m Colum Whelan, the Principal of Guardian Management Accounting. In January 2018 the Revenue Commissioners announced that they’re going to target Airbnb income for those people who had not made a tax return. They were very clever about this. They merely wrote to Airbnb and asked them to provide them with a full listing […]
Hi I’m Niall O’Donnell from Guardian Management Accounting. In 2018 Revenue announced that they were going to be looking at people who have received income from Airbnb. Airbnb have supplied a list of such people to Revenue, therefore you cannot hide this income from Revenue. What Guardian can help you do is help minimize your […]
For the last 20 years our accounting software package of choice has been TAS Books – it has been totally reliable, and we had a bureau version here in Guardian that we could use for all of our client’s data. Now unfortunately, Sage, who bought over TAS a number of years ago have announced that […]
Many people start off in business as a sole trader, as it is cheap (€20 to register a business name), quick – you can register a business name in 2-5 days in the CRO, and its easier and less costly if you decide to cease to trade. Against this, is that you are personally responsible […]
Sample Maximum Contribution Rates, as % of Salary The table assumes that the member is married with at least 10 years service at retirement. Existing pension benefits are not included in the above rates. These rates are calculated using current Capitalisation Factors published by the Revenue Commissioners. Member’s total pension fund is restricted to €2 […]